How old is Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant is 61 years old.
He was born on 9 September 1960 in London, England.
He is 1.78 metres tall and weighs 76 kilograms.
He has been active in the entertainment industry since 1982.
His net worth is estimated to be $150 million.
Feature | Value |
Age | 61 |
Birthday | 9 September 1960 |
Birthplace | London, England |
Years Active | 1982-present |
Net Worth | $110 million |
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old. He was born on 9 September 1960 in London, England.
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old. He was born on 9 September 1960 in London, England.
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old. He was born on September 9, 1960, in London, England.
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old as of 2023.
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old. He was born on September 9, 1960 in London, England.
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old. He was born on September 9, 1960.
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old. He was born on 9 September 1960 in London, England.
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant was born on 9 September 1960. He is currently 61 years old.
I. Introduction
II. Hugh Grant’s Age
Hugh Grant is 61 years old.
III. Hugh Grant’s Birthday
Hugh Grant was born on September 9, 1960.
IV. Hugh Grant’s Birthplace
Hugh Grant was born in London, England.
V. Hugh Grant’s Height
Hugh Grant is 6 feet 1 inch tall.
VI. Hugh Grant’s Weight
Hugh Grant weighs 176 pounds.
VII. Hugh Grant’s Education
Hugh Grant attended the University of Oxford.
VIII. Hugh Grant’s Career
Hugh Grant is an actor.
IX. Hugh Grant’s Personal Life
Hugh Grant has been married twice.
Q: How old is Hugh Grant?
A: Hugh Grant is 61 years old.
Q: When is Hugh Grant’s birthday?
A: Hugh Grant was born on September 9, 1960.
Q: Where is Hugh Grant from?
A: Hugh Grant was born in London, England.